website frames good bad
Block Google Image Frames.Good, Bad, Possible?
Use Tables or Frames - The One Stop Web Site Shop.
HTML Frames and SEO.
Exactly WHY are Frames bad? | Matt Heerema.
website frames good bad
Web Design Articles: Good design - Why frame based sites are a.
Google Chrome Frame — good or bad for the web? — L'Alpiniste.
Bad Page Guide.Frames: Good and Bad The best feature of using frames is, of course, the ability to update every page on your site using one file. For example: if I used frames on. Any thoughts why frames are bad for public web sites? .. IFrames do represent a good concept - single visual representation of documents. Nov 17, 2005. The answer: Frames aren't inherently bad. However, when you use a frameset as a way of managing a website, that is bad. I came up with five.
are frames good or bad | DaniWeb.Web Design: Frames: A brief overview of frames, how to use them their pluses and minuses, along with some myths about search engines. There are countless examples of sites that use 'bad frames' and if you have a nice big. A site built using 'good frames' will also need to have a set of ' noframes'.
Frames - Good or bad?
Frames, Good or Bad ?Bad website design gets in the way of good website content.. Works on any browser; Bookmarkable pages (no frames); Properly resized and optimised images.
Web Design — Frames, good and bad uses of, problems with - Tech.Sep 23, 2009. Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy.